Find a sailing club in Hampshire, the Solent, or on the Isle of Wight from the list below. Our recommended Solent and Hampshire sailing clubs organise all sorts of sailing events from Cruises in Company to weekend or evening racing. Hampshire, the Solent, and...
Signature Events
Beneteau’s Take on the Fast Trawler: Swift Trawler
All Swift Trawlers powered by Beneteau feature a long list of superior qualities. But it's the speed, comfort, stability and fuel efficiency working in perfect harmony which is the real secret behind Beneteau's fast trawler series. It's what makes the trawler truly...
Oceanis 55 Wins Best Sailboat in Show Award in Vancouver
Pacific Yachting has awarded its first annual Best In Show honors to three products displayed at the recent Vancouver International Boat Show. The three award categories are: Best in Show: Powerboat, Best in Show: Sailboat and Best in Show: Equipment. Judges Roger...
From Sky to Sea to Shining Sea: Meet Ron Coalson
Prior to moving aboard a boat, Ron Coalson was the president of a company in North Dakota and lived in a giant house. One day, he realized that he and his wife were owned by their possessions. They started giving things away and every year they would go to the...
What makes Sense a unique sailing concept?
With its new Sense line of cruising sailboats, ranging from 43 to 55 feet, Beneteau sets out to provide the best bluewater cruiser for families; a common-sense liveaboard that is completely unique in the layout of its accommodations, the openness of its cockpit and...
John Cooper, CPYB; Sales
I'm a native of the Puget Sound area and have always found myself drawn to the boating lifestyle. It started with my family's first boat, a 21' closed deck runabout. I learned a lot from that first how fast a boat will fill with water if you forget the... Video – Beneteau Sense 55
Beneteau Sense 55 Video – Oceanis 41
Beneteau Oceanis 41 Video – Oceanis 38 Features
Beneteau Oceanis 38 Features Video – Oceanis 38
Oceanis 38 Beneteau Oceanis 38 (2014-)
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