Challenger 3 finish off their 5 days of Fastnet Training.
Challenger 3 has arrived in GWQ and is alongside ahead of Challenger 1.
An extremely enjoyable and instructive training sail. We didn’t get to fly the kite again as I deemed the wind a bit strong (18 knots under Polled out Headsail) and I am aware of the consequences of destroying our only kite this close to the Myth of Malham and the Fastnet Race itself. The sail to Beachy Head was great with a wind which varied a bit which gave us an opportunity to practice sail trim and also polling out the headsail. Two night time MOB’s went well
The Overnight Watch system worked out OK, and although everyone is a bit tied, they now know what offshore yacht racing is all about.
A beautiful sunrise saw us at Beachy Head which was unfortunately a bit dulled by the cloud which had packed in by the time we had tacked away from the TSS. Polling Out was again the order of the day as the wind had conveniently shifted to the East and built to about 20 knots True.
A MOB under Polled Out Y1 when I yelled “Skipper Overboard” gave us many, many learning points, but unfortunately a Skipper lost at sea. I have more red balloons in my pocket, many more suitable rocks on Exmore Beach and I have a few out of date Horseshoe lights remaining so no harm done this time. Hopefully the lessons we gleaned and reinforced will save the skipper in a future MOB.
We are back in GWQ to drop off David. I plan to stay here tonight, mainly so that I can get some rest and we will start again tomorrow going over stuff again to continue to build a strong CH3 Fastnet Crew.

Fastnet Rock awaits
First Class Sailing are entering 3 yachts into this years Fastnet Race. Fastnet Training is on going and very much what the qualifying races are about. Whilst we are full more details can be seen here:Rolex Fastnet Sailing Race 2023 | First Class Sailing
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